While everyone has been fixated on the NBA playoff finals between the Miami Heat and San Antonio Spurs, we on the other hand are more focused on what shoes the players are wearing. More specifically, our focus this time would be on what is on Mr. Wade’s feet and his line of signature shoes. In the month of May, Wade brought out the Way Of Wade ‘Encore’ shoes to tease the American people as his signature line is not yet available in the states. The new and improved ‘Encore’ series utilizes the same upper as the Way of Wade, but the upper has a few more distinctive design cues like the lower cut silhouette, the mesh-like vents, stylized perforations, a camouflage-print lining, and an Air Jordan IV-like shoelace harness to lock down Wade’s explosive feet.
While everyone in America is dying to get their hands on a pair of Mr. Wade’s signature Way Of Wade shoes because it is still unavailable in the states, we on the other hand in Malaysia have been blessed to be in the Asian region and close to mainland China and the shoes will in fact be released here. The Li-Ning Way of Wade ‘Encore’ Series “Overtown” & “Announcement” will be made available at all official Li-Ning stores and selected retailers nationwide in the month of July, but a specific released date is still un-announced. Stay tune for more updates and details, till then, here are some looks at the shoes.