Malaysia Is the First SEA Country To Get Underground Waze Connectivity

  • By Nabil Kamal
  • Mar 6
  • 2

Waze has recently announced in partnership with TRX to install “Waze Beacons” in the underground sections of the TRX area leading up to the main building.

The beacons will be battery-operated, low-energy transmitter units that are embedded in the tunnel walls. A signal is transmitted from the beacons and can be received by practically any device with Bluetooth connectivity, ensuring GPD deadzones are reduced during underground travel. These beacons are not only just Waze exclusive however; as other navigation services such as Google Maps can also piggyback onto the signal.

Azmar Talib, CEO of TRX City Sdn Bhd said, “We are thrilled to partner with Waze, to be the first in Southeast Asia to put Waze Beacons to the test. Our underground roads are an ideal test ground as they lead out to key exits, and we look forward to enhancing TRX’s level of services.”

Basements 2 and 3 of the TRX underground have been fitted with these beacons, acting as a pilot for the system before fully expanding into other areas.

waze waze beacon waze beacon trx