Scan your devices, electronics, power tools, or outdoor equipment on Zolve to find manuals, how-to videos and warranty information
Written by Aqil Nasri
Have you ever been in a situation where your phone, TV or any electronic isn’t working, and now you can’t find the darn instruction manual or warranty information because you threw them aside excitedly when you first got the electronic devices?
Well, you won’t ever have to face that situation again with this new by app by Centriq called Zolve. Basically, it’s Shazam but for fixing your electronic devices.
This new app allows users to take a photo of the product label of more than 450,000 devices, electronics, appliances, power tools, and outdoor equipment and it’ll automatically show you the correct manuals, how-to videos, quick-start guides, warranty and manufacturer contact information. Oh, it also tells you what kind of information on replacement parts and accessories that you need for that certain item that you broke. Whew, talk about making your life literally a thousand times easier.

The app also stores a database for information from retailers and manufacturers on how to operate, fix and maintain products.
Centriq CEO, James Sheppard mentioned this in a statement: “We have another 600,000 model numbers we’re sourcing support content for currently, and that list keeps growing. If ever you find yourself snapping a product in Zolve that isn’t matched instantly, know that you just bumped it to the front of the line and it will be added within hours.”
If you want to download Zolve, find on the Apple App Store or download it here.