
3rql. – Escape the Haze (Part 1)

  • By Shawn Tan
  • Apr 14
  • 0

Skateboarding has made it’s way to Kuala Lumpur city since the early 90’s.Today many spots has been discovered in this concrete jungle, the probability for a new spot to be found is quite rare in the city. Certain spots were taken down by the authorities while some are kept guarded away from skateboarders. Hence, the idea of discovering skate spots out of the city was born. The people from ‘3rql.’ decided to give Pahang a try since it’s one of the states in Malaysia that’s surrounded with tropical forest as its attraction. Thus, ‘Escape the Haze Project’ was born. The project got its name due to the haze phenomenon that affects Malaysia during the period of time.

Besides, ‘3rql.’ hopes that this project can be a medium to open the eyes of Malaysian skateboarders to not just focus on skateboarding in one place or city. Malaysia has its identity as a country surrounded with tropical forest and it should not stop skateboarders to skate in this type of environment . They believe this is one of the traits that skateboarding has to offer which is – no limit for creativity in skateboarding no matter where you roll.

Keep up with 3rql.’s updates by adding them on their Facebook page, as well as their IG ( @3rqlfox ).



3rql escape the haze skateboarding speakeasy skateboarding TheSpeakeasy Skate Co.