Remember the time when you were a child? Having all the fun in the world without a single care? Life wasn’t complicated at all. Life was either black or white. Ice cream or candy. A bottle of Coke or Pepsi. No tough life choices to make, no debts, no social responsibility and definitely no worries. And as you grew older, and you’re old enough to start understanding the world, things seem more and more complicated. You start to despise it. You start to feel more and more like a rat that race other rats for a bigger piece of cheese only to later on find out that there was a mouse trap attached to it.
Deadlines, schedules, bills, traffic jams, meetings, bosses. Don’t you just want to get away from it all and just be like a child again? Projek Monsoon is about reversing and unlearning all that bullshit you have been taught all these years and just going back the moment when you were a child.
From the farthest point of Johor, using the back roads of the East Coast all the way up to the borders of Kelantan, 7 dudes will be cramped up in a beat up van for 2 months stopping at any beach they feel like stopping along the way. Some of them have quit their jobs and some have put their studies on hold just to learn the art of getting lost. A road-trip that’s all about getting close to nature again and to live minimally as a simple man.
Follow their journey through their Instagram ( @projekmonsoon ) or add them up on Facebook here.
Credits: www.projekmonsoon.com