
Eating A Lot Of Satay Won Us The Last Round | One Joyful Ride EP02

  • By Nabil Kamal
  • Nov 29
  • 3

After running up the stairs and taking selfies with buildings, the two teams are presented with another set of challenges, scavenge 5 tourist collectibles in Pasar Seni and eat a lot of satay (100 sticks) at Jalan Alor.

Gathering their wits from 2 city boys who have never ventured into Pasar Seni, woefully losing to Straatosphere, the Malaysians made up on their errors by doing what we do best, chowing down on plates upon plates on food before taking this to their home turf.

Watch the 2nd half of the Malaysian leg here, and stay tuned next week as we travel down to Singapore to see what Straatosphere has in store for us!

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