
The Land Of Bharatavarsha Through The Lens Of Shafiq Anak Saleh

  • By Yasmeen Costelo
  • Apr 3
  • 0

Local photographer, Shafiq Anak Saleh is known for his mesmerizing moment that he captures, everything in between from portraits, landscapes and even drone shots. Shafiq head to India last February to join a group of friends documenting the Holy Festival. 9 days of journey exploring different states of India – the amazing food, amazing people, beautiful views and the raw streets of India. His journey starts from Jaipur and heading to Vrindavan to shoot Holy Festival, followed by Mathura, Jodhpur, Agra, Pushkar, Jaisalmer and Delhi. All footages were shot handheld.

Song by Axel Thesleff – DunyaCheck out his Instagram (@Shafiqanaksaleh) for images from this trip.  

malaysian photographer shafiq anak saleh shafiqanaksaleh The Land Of Bharatavarsha The Land Of Bharatavarsha by shafiqanaksaleh