
Only One Half Of The Fashion Weak Actually Knows Fashion | From The Thread Episode 17

  • By Nabil Kamal
  • Jan 8
  • 0

When before The Fashion Weak had us on as guests, the tables are now turned as we bring Lucas Lau and Arnold Loh on to be grilled by Isaac and Ben. To uncovering Arnold’s apparent lack of fashion knowledge, discussing last year’s collaborations, to just flaming one another, From The Thread is back, revamped, refurbished, and rejigged.

As we head into Season 3, we want to take this time to thank our audience who listened to us, kept up through with the bullshit that we spoke, and the improvements that we’re making to serve you better gossip, better conversations, and ultimately, better content. Follow The Fashion Weak, Arnold Loh and Lucas Lau.

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